Those embalmed and those with one leg Those who go away to work every morning The ones who have children with other women Men who write their dreams down Tailors, male and female alike Those with over-large ears Heroes except for Homeric Some who flew Women who smell like wet leather Adolescents, male and female alike The ones who have never been photographed Men who refuse to ride horses Sailors (or Merchantmen) Sirens and those who refuse to listen Men who read Borges out loud Those whose bodies my nemesis has touched Those, who, from forty feet, resemble Albert Camus Those who tremble as if mad Men who will never marry Men someone’s married at least twice Men who have passed from one category and into another Old Testament scholars and snake handlers Men who sing falsetto Men whose handwriting resembles that of their mother’s Those who grow their own herbs and know magic Those who still belong to other women Those women’s lovers Those who travel to Troy and never come back
Sarah Wetzel is the author of the poetry collection All Our Davids, released from Terrapin Books in 2019. She is also the author of River Electric with Light, which won the AROHO Poetry Publication Prize and was published by Red Hen Press in 2015, and Bathsheba Transatlantic, which won the Philip Levine Prize for Poetry and was published by Anhinga Press in 2010. When not shuttling between her two geographic loves—Rome, Italy and New York City—she is a PhD student in Comparative Literature in the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City. She holds an engineering degree from Georgia Tech and a MBA from Berkeley. More importantly for her poetry, she completed a MFA in Creative Writing at Bennington College in January 2009. You can see some more of her work at
Featured Artwork:
Outside Graphite Sara Gallagher utilizes her hyperrealistic graphite drawings to provoke dialogue around the inner landscape of the human experience. In a society that has never fully embraced the importance of mental health, Sara is actively working to break the taboos that surround it.