Mornings fade: lonely mist across a silent yard, one small pair of shoes remaining: soft as a summer’s night, but empty; they rest on the sill, a bright day beyond. I am thinking of the scent of soap on new skin, am remembering how I held you close, before I gave you away.
Frances Koziar has published poetry in over 30 different literary magazines, including Vallum and Acta Victoriana. She is a young (disabled) retiree and a social justice advocate, and she lives in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Author website:
Featured Artwork:
Leslie Lindsay’s work focuses on deteriorating architecture. These structures, designed to be forces of permanence, are continually being challenged, destroyed and forgotten. Among the shards of wood, layers of rubble, chipping coats of paint—there remains a gentle resolve. Writing & photography have been featured in The Rumpus, Hippocampus, Psychology Today, Mutha Magazine, Ruminate’s The Waking, Brushfire Arts & Literature, Mud Season Review, Up the Staircase Quarterly (cover art), Another Chicago Magazine, Tiferet Journal, among others. She resides in the Greater Chicago suburbs and is at work on a memoir exploring ancestral connections. She can be found @leslielindsay1 on Twitter and Instagram.